
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me … ”
– Matthew 25:35-36 New International Version (NIV)

Sunday Suppers is a local Community Ministry of
The First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant
250 W 7th ST
Erie, PA 16502

Erie Sunday Suppers is a calling from our work with “Our Neighbors Place”, a winter overflow homeless  shelter. A nutritious dinner is served on Sundays to our neighbors who may be less fortunate or facing difficulties in their lives. Several area churches and organizations partner with us to provide this weekly meal.

Sunday Suppers motto is “The Poor should not be treated poorly!”  Pope Francis said, “You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. That’s how prayer works.” This is what the Lord is calling this ministry to do in our community.

Suppers have been served every Sunday since July of 2014.  We try to avoid duplicating services. So, when another neighbor organization is serving a special meal, we don’t serve that day (ie. Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners).  We are most grateful to our neighbor congregations at The Cathedral of St. Paul Episcopal and The First United Methodist Church, who graciously open their facility when First-Covenant’s facility is in use for “Our Neighbors’ Place” or Koinonia.  Also, we greatly appreciate our fellow church communities and groups who are willing to provide food and volunteers. Many of the guests receiving these meals come every week. Others attend only when their needs are greater. Our guests have truly formed a “Sunday Supper” family.

Meals are served buffet style on china plates by volunteers.  There are several volunteers, who have felt called to serve weekly. We serve 130 to 200 guests weekly, with larger crowds toward the end of each month.

If you feel called to help this ministry by providing a meal, please go to our scheduling calendar to see open dates when you may want to serve.  Please send us a message on our contact page to schedule your date or if you have questions.  Thank you for your interest in this ministry.